





确保所有候选人都有不同的领域经验, each candidate’s previous placements are considered when making placement decisions. The 外地办事处 and 临床经验 staff consider students’ placement requests and 学校人口统计数据 using the database system which is maintained by the 外地办事处 and 临床经验. The database shows field and clinical placements for all candidates as they progress through the program. 这种安置程序确保在他们的学习计划中, candidates complete field assignments in different settings working with populations that represent different kinds of diversity including cultural, 经济, 少数民族, 语言, 特殊需求.


These guidelines have been developed to provide students with diverse field experiences.

  1. Students will provide three choices of schools to which they would like to complete their observation/practicum experiences. Once students have completed the request for field placement and uploaded all required documents to Foliotek, the 外地办事处 and 临床经验 will process the requests by sending out the requests in order of students’ choice to the appropriate school personnel.
  2. Students must complete ALL observation/practicum hours in order to earn a passing grade (C or better) in EDU courses that require a field component. 这是为了确保学生满足DESE现场经验小时的要求.
  3. The initial field placement for all programs is EDU 11100 School Observation / EDU 11110 Orientation to the Educational Experience with Field Experience or EDU 50000 Foundations of K-12 Education (MAT). 这一实地经验包括30小时的观察, 根据DESE要求, 而且不包括教学部分. 这所学校必须是其中之一 学校名单.
  4. The field placement for EDU 380000 Pre-学生教学 Practicum / EDU 34310/EDU 34410 Differentiation and Classroom Management and EDU 54310/EDU 54410 Differentiation and Classroom Management is a 45 hour practicum, 根据DESE要求, 包括教学部分.
  5. 以下规则将适用于该计划的安置.
  6. Students may not be placed in the same school or district for EDU 11100/EDU 11110 and EDU 380000/EDU 34310/EDU 34410 (EDU 50000 and EDU 54310/54410 for MAT.)
  7. Students may not be placed in the same school for EDU 38000/EDU 34310/EDU 34410/EDU 54310/EDU 54410 and student teaching. 他们可能被安排在同一个学区,但不是同一所学校.
  8. At least one placement for each student (EDU 11100/EDU 11110/EDU 38000/EDU 34310/EDU 34410/EDU 50000/EDU 54310/EDU 54410) must be in a public school setting.
  9. Every effort will be made to vary student placements among different grade levels that are appropriate for their content areas.
  10. Requests for any exceptions to any or all of the above should be submitted in writing on the Appeal to Field 安置政策 form to the Director of Field and 临床经验 and are subject to approval by the Field Experience Review Committee.

All applications for field placement and student teaching must be completed and submitted through Foliotek. No experiences may begin until confirmation from the 外地办事处 and 临床经验 is received.


  1. The 外地办事处 and 临床经验 staff will request placement for the student through the school representative. This representative will send the request to the chosen school administration and subsequently to the requested teacher (if designated). 请求要么被接受,要么被拒绝. This information is submitted back to the school administration and then back to 澳门威尼斯人平台官网. The 外地办事处 and 临床经验 staff will try his/her best to place the student in the indicated field and location of choice; however, 由于他/她无法控制的情况, 这有时是不可能的.  如果请求被拒绝, the staff member will send a request out to the next choice of schools made by the student.
  2. 一旦安排好位置, the 外地办事处 and Clinical staff will send a confirmation email with the placement assignment to the student. 观察/实习, the staff member will also send a copy of observation/practicum requirements for both host teachers and students to the host teacher.
  3. 收到就业分配确认后, 然后学生准备开始观察/实习/学生教学.  At this time, he/she should contact his/her assigned teacher to set up the initial meeting. Students may NOT begin field placement until notified by the 外地办事处 and 临床经验.
  4. Students should take a copy of their TB results and FCSR results with them during the first observation/field experience to give to the appropriate school personnel.


The following is a list of the documentation that must be included in each field placement request through Foliotek.

  1. 申请学生实地实习
  2. 家庭护理安全资料库(背景调查结果)*
  3. 结核测试结果*
  4. 保密协议
  5. 放弃旅行
  6. COVID豁免

* Expires after one year and must be valid for the entire semester in which the field experience will be completed.


A list of the documentation and components required for the student teaching application can be found on the student teaching application process page.

Additional information about field experiences in initial teacher education can be found in the 初级教师教育实地经验手册.


高级教师教育专业的学生(特殊阅读硕士), 资优教育硕士, 教育技术硕士, 早期干预硕士)必须购买Foliotek. 


The following is a list of the documentation that must be included in each field placement request through Foliotek.

  1. 申请学生实地实习
  2. 家庭护理安全资料库(背景调查结果)*
  3. 结核测试结果*
  4. 保密协议
  5. 放弃旅行
  6. COVID豁免

* Expires after one year and must be valid for the entire semester in which the field experience will be completed.


The placement process is the same as the process for initial teacher education programs.